
Sickness Absence Management
We understand just how costly long-term sickness absence can be, particularly for small and medium-sized businesses.
We will work with both you and your staff to reduce the number of days lost to illness and help your employees to feel happy and supported in their roles.
“Absence from work cost the UK economy £13.2 billion as the average employee took almost seven (6.7) days off sick at a cost of £100/day.”

Health Surveillance
Health surveillance is a proactive and positive approach to occupational health.
As a responsible employer, by introducing a health screening programme, you will be proactive in protecting the health of your employees who are at risk of developing problems due to the environment in which they work.
In addition, you will also be fulfilling your statutory requirements under COSHH and HSE guidance.
It is important you are compliant with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002.

Lung Function Testing
If there are any substances which are identified as an occupational asthma agent in your workplace (R42), it is vital to carry out appropriate respiratory health surveillance.
Dorset Occupational Health offers an on-site spirometry testing service, allowing you to monitor the health of your workforce and comply with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002.
In addition, you will also be fulfilling your statutory requirements under COSHH and HSE guidance.
Protect your business from future liability.

Hearing Tests
Hearing tests are an important part of safeguarding the health of your employees and essential for those working in noisy environments.
Under the Control of Noise at Work Regulations (2005), this type of testing is mandatory if staff are exposed to a noise hazard in the workplace.
Expert advice for you and your workforce.

Skin Assessments
Skin surveillance for at-risk employees help detect early stages of skin conditions, meaning they can then be treated before they develop.
Regular skin assessments for at-risk employees (R43) can detect the first signs of dermatitis. By spotting this skin condition in its early stages, it can be treated before it develops.

New Starter Medicals
Our aim is to promote and maintain the health of all people at work so it can be vital to assess a prospective employee’s fitness for a proposed job role in order to make certain that:
- The Employee is fit for the job role and will not be putting themself or others at risk.
- Employees with pre-existing conditions can be suitably managed and the correct workplace adjustments can be made.
- Baseline health surveillance can be carried out and the correct surveillance programme set up.
- Compliance with 2010 Equality Act
We can paper-screen potential employees and give you the right advice regarding fitness for work and can follow this up with any required health surveillance and to carry out DSE and workplace assessments if required.

Driver Assessments
Safety on the road is critical for professional drivers and regular medical examinations play an important part in protecting both your employees and members of the public.
Looking after your drivers.
At Dorset Occupational Health, we offer comprehensive health screening for drivers of all kinds from employees with company cars to those driving specialist vehicles including forklift trucks, cherry pickers, plant machinery etc.

Night Worker Medicals
Under the Working Time Regulations, night workers must be provided with a free health assessment at regular intervals.
We offer either a simple health questionnaire assessment (minimum requirement) or convenient on-site medical assessments.

So, what exactly is HAVS?
HAVS may occur in employees in industries and occupations that work with hand-held power tools, hand-guided machinery and hand-fed machines which expose them to vibration.
Prolonged and regular exposure to this vibration can affect the operator’s health, and once the damage is done – it’s permanent.
HAVS Assessments
The good news is that risks from vibration can be controlled, and employees can be protected from ill health issues. Contact Dorset Occupational Health regarding HAVS assessments.
Great company to deal with...
I contacted Dorset Occupational Health for the first time in 2019 to enquire about Health Surveillance. I was guided as to what health surveillance was required within the trade that we work in. An appointment was made, and not a long waiting time either.
The checks were all carried out, quickly and efficiently. I now have a visit yearly to continue the surveillance. I am contacted by D O H to make the appointment so I do not even have to remember to do it! Great company to deal with.
Operations Director – New Forest Spring Water Ltd.